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The Testimonial Deliberation of GpI-Administration


 As many unprecedented occurrences are being encountered in global wide nowadays that are to be tackled in right time and right manner. It becomes the present urgent need to optimistically handle various transformational activities in many aspects of global life. The responsibility to handle such activities depends on committed societal administrations that are formed with global wide existence for rendering services.

In real outlook any conventional or new dimensional services are to bear proper implementation by versatile participation and veracity with non vicissitudinous approaches in rendering services. The observance of utmost care and selfless passion in rendering services becomes important responsibility to any service administration. Such service administration should bear vivacious dedication in rendering or transfiguring feasible services for common good.


The optimism in rendering services is that the services rendered by an administrative structure should be exposing the ideology of “happy;” and its “services” shall include the reality of excellent approach. In realism the services rendered by such administration should mean the ideology of happy as of Hallmark, Aspiring, Pragmatic, Practicable, and Yielding (HAPPY) and the reality in its services should bear the characteristics as of Structural, Efficacious, Responsible, Vital, Invariable, Credible, Enterprising and Sustainable (SERVICES).

 Accordingly Gnosis-pro Infer-nationals administration dedicates its “Agenda for Action” for global wide implementation that is feasible to practicably facilitate “HAPPY SERVICES” to the global inhabitants as the whole.  

The formulation of GpI-Administration becomes rendezvoused testimonial authentication as per many prophetic predictions for the services on the wellbeing of society, globe and cosmos. Accordingly the formulation of GpI-Administration gains signification in the prevalence of its establishment in global wide. It works towards “Society Globalization through Global Peace Initiative” with a new-fangled enlightenment medium as of “Gnosis-pro-inference”.

GpI-Administration is to induce the human society to infer the amazing phenomenon related safety aspects of future through reminisce of the past and present global events. For which it performs as the structure that creates the “safety-net” to maintain the aspect of Society Assimilatory of Futurological Events in Teleological Yields by Nurturing Environment of Topology (SAFETY NET).

GpI-Administration bears multipronged programs and proposals in order to induce “Individual Social Responsibility”. Based on the inspiration in “Individual Social Responsibility” enormous social enthusiasts and societal proletarians amid society are looking forward a right podium to perform social services. However performing philanthropy leads one to pave foot-print of birth permanently and it becomes the traditionally followed practice too.  Hence GpI-Administration aims to prevail as a global podium to perform by such social enthusiasts and societal proletarians. This “podium” bears Plethora Operations to Disseminate Intellect Ubiquitous Motivation (PODIUM) in rendering vital services.


The goal of GpI-Administration is to maintain this sole delectable globe with its sustainability as the livable Globe for ever. Thereby it forms its administration global wide to proliferate its programs that are with various vivacious themes. Furthermore, it is determinant to prevail as the organizational form for materializing a new-fangled lifestyle amid global populace. For which, it forms its chapter forms global wide and massively accumulates “Gnosisian League” in intensive proliferative manner.



GpI-Administration exclusively equips its “FIN-strategy” for the “Formation, Installation and Navigation” of the chapter forms in order to align such social enthusiasts and social proletarians prevailing amid global populace as Gnosisian Leagues.    

The  Gnosisian Leagues becomes to exist as the beholding “masts” as of Modus-ponens Alliance of Society Transformation Systems (MASTS) that is to be forming as the illumination masts for the congenial lifestyle of global inhabitants. The leagues are to hold liability to indicate the responsibility of the global population in inferring the perceptional observations on the consequence for the events that the global inhabitants encounter in day-to-day life. Accordingly GpI-Administration forms Gnosisian leagues appropriately and guides them in inducing people to adhere the mutual sharing related aspects towards the wellbeing of the society, globe, and cosmos.


GpI-Administration is optimistic in accumulation of the masses through forming Gnosisian Leagues in amenable ways. The members of such leagues will be made widespread in global wide to perform as many programs related to social, global and cosmic wellbeing. In order these league members will be motivated bear “nostalgia” to perform with “Naiveness Oriented Strategic Tranquility Ascertainment for Liveliness Gestation by Intuitive Administration” (NOSTALGIA).   


GpI-Administration has formulated its programs named “Vatic, I-see-u (Self social vision), Speed, Arrow and Self” under the title “VISAS” that focuses on the “basic occur” related themes. 



 “BASIC-OCCUR-VISAS” program protocols:-   


  1. Bewilderment Obviation by Vatic in mitigating calamity incidents with “Similarity in behavior”   

  2. Asset Continuation by I-see-u (Self social vision) in maintaining social economy with “food, energy, environment conservation”

  3. Surrounds Conservation by Speed in augmenting green cover with “Naturalness of lushly loams”   

  4. Insight Upraising by Arrow in restoring rational reconciliation by “intuitive Inference”

  5. Congeniality Rejuvenation by Self in maintaining loyal fraternity with “Oneness in living” 


Certainly the protocols of “basic-occur-visas” programs become the visas for mankind to traverse with peace abiding life.


Besides GpI-Administration provides various kinds of memberships and participations to social enthusiasts and societal proletarians for lead them to maintain pleasantly distinguished life. Accordingly it accumulates ken intelligentsias among global populace to form multipurpose common forums with nitty-gritty responsibilities and right commendations.


GpI-Administration proffers a noble epithet title calling “Gnosisian” in order to duly honor its enthusiasts who ever align with it. And it adorns their name by proffering an exclusive prefix as “ their name. In addition it makes its enthusiasts in global wide to participate in various activities and provides them the epithet titles calling “Global Foster” and “Global peace strategist”. In order it adorns their name further by proffering the name prefixes respectively as “GFGnn” and “GpsGnn.


To exposes its enthusiasts as “Gnosisian” amid society, GpI-Administration proffer them with exclusive adornments related to “Identity of Individuality”. Accordingly it creates synchronization of individuality among them by making them to exclusively adorn a medal and a lapel pin as over coat adornments. In which the medal “Insignia of Inference” is to indicate as (I am) “In Global Inference” and the lapel pin “Sign of Sagacity” is to indicate as (I am) “In Sagacious League”.


In addition GpI-Administration proffers it’s exclusively created “life illumination devices”. Those are “Luminary of Life” and “Musings on Livable Globe as paperbacks; Global Flag of Flamboyancy and Logo of Life Logos as table and wall decorative products.  


Its paperbacks contain as many thought provoking concepts on the social, global and cosmic wellbeing. The “Global Flag of Flamboyancy” becomes the never before - ever first dedication to salute our Mother globe that is being the sole country for living things to live. The “Logo of Life Logos” is to infer the reality in the existence of cosmos and human life that is governed by the five elements called “Pancha-Bhoota”.


GpI-Administration adheres “Organizational Persistency Envisagement Naissance allied Neutral Administrative Succession Assignment Logistics” (OPEN-NASAL) as the impartial dynamism of “open-nasal” in designating its administrational hierarchies.


Accordingly GpI-Administration performs as a realm that “Rational Empiric Administrative Logistic Medium” (REALM) to maintain the Social, Global and Cosmic wellbeing. 

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